Keep-It-Simple Activities is closing soon

The time has come for me to embark on other personal projects that take up a lot of precious time. Keep It Simple Activities will be active for a couple of weeks from now on and it will be available as an ebook eventually for a very reasonable price (around 5 euros probably). So what are these projects of mine that keep me busy these days, apart from teaching? The music band I sing and cowrite songs for, Jude Rock and Talk, has just released its second album, “Azul”, available on most social media (you might want to listen on Spotify here). Getting the album out there and trying to promote it does take substantial time and energy. And… last but not least. I am launching a new site for teachers: ESL Song Activities. It does not have much content yet but it will grow over time just like Keep It Simple Activities has grown. There you will find song exploitations and creative ideas that combine relevant content matter for the ESL Classroom and fun. Not your run-of-the-mill kind of stuff that you mostly find elsewhere hopefully. So… a million thanks to the thousands of you that have visited Keep It Simple Activites in these last four years or so and this is not a goodbye but a see you again somewhere else!