categories game with skeleton texts

Here is a vocabulary-slash-writing activity that is based on the popular game Scattergories. In the unlikely case that you are not familiar with the game itself or the nature of it, play the short video below. And here is how the activity unfolds. Write this on the board (or display on a screen) forContinueContinue reading “categories game with skeleton texts”

one-minute videos 2

About a year ago I discovered a nice collection of one minute videos recorded by Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley. Each video recording features an English expression which is clearly explained and presented with examples from real life conversations. You can find this collection housed in their Youtube Channel Lexical Lab. I shared a genericContinueContinue reading “one-minute videos 2”

summer series: three writing activities

We have reached the end of the school year in many countries, including mine, and I shall be taking a break from blogging and sharing brand new content until September. That doesn’t mean that I won´t be writing. Far from that, in the next couple of months I will be busy enough developing ideas thatContinueContinue reading “summer series: three writing activities”

vertical and horizontal development

In the book Teaching Lexically, Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkey refer to horizontal and vertical development exercises and the pay-offs they bring.  By developping a sentence horizontally we are adding something that the writer or speaker  might say next. By developping a sentence vertically we are adding something that someone else might say next.  I’mContinueContinue reading “vertical and horizontal development”